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Community Gathering
What is the Walk to Emmaus?
The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to develop servant-leadership skills for use in the local church and to strengthen the discipleship of church people by the Upper Room. The Walk is not an evangelistic outreach to the non-believer. It is intended to inspire, challenge, and equip local church members for Christian action – in their homes, churches, workplaces, and communities. There are segregated events for men and women. Why is that important? Aside from being able to have the space to revisit our own individual relationship with God and to express ourselves as individuals, having separate events for men and for women offers single and married participants freedom for expression and sharing that some may not feel appropriate in the company of the opposite sex. This arrangement also gives men an opportunity to express natural emotion—something that many are reluctant to do in mixed company.
Some important concepts to remember about Emmaus:
- It is for people who want to grow spiritually; who want to build up the church in love.
- It is mainstream in theological outlook; it celebrates our unity in Christ whether we are traditionalists, liberals, conservatives, activists, or charismatic’s. Emmaus encourages unity without labels and camps.
- It is for building faith and discipleship, not for working through grief or psychological problems.
- Emmaus is for fostering unity in Christ, not for theological debate and arguments about denominations.
- It is a concentrated three-day course in Christianity, not a relaxing retreat, or time to catch up on office work, or time to take a nap and read a book. Go with empty hands and an open heart. Leave your world behind for 72 hours.